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“Thank You”


Where to begin with the final column? Maybe go back twelve years to 2012.  We had just sold a Ford dealership that had been the focal point of our working lives for 40 years. In less than a week I realized that I was not ready for retirement. Within two weeks I was encouraged by friends to consider running for Henry County Probate Judge/County Commission Chairman. I wondered if I wanted a six-year commitment. Now, twelve years, two terms and 144 columns later, we hit the finish line next Friday at 4:30.  There’s so much more I wish we could have done. I would like to have served a third term but Alabama law precludes a member of the judiciary from seeking a judicial public office after age 70.

Twelve years ago, I had no idea I would be given so many opportunities to help people on an almost daily basis. Serving in this position has opened doors of ministry that I could have never envisioned. But the irony of it all is that I’m the one who has been blessed. Blessed to learn so much more about our county. Blessed to have had the honor of working with an incredible staff…and with dozens of partners in neighboring counties who have encouraged me and taught me the value of servant leadership and the importance of regionalism.  Blessed by hundreds of new relationships and friendships in each of Alabama’s 67 counties - friendships gained through intentional involvement with the Alabama Probate Judges Association (APJA) and the Association of County Commissions of Alabama (ACCA). 

There are so many people to thank…but we all know the danger in naming names. I’m thankful for the hundred plus employees and elected officials who have worked shoulder to shoulder with me every day to help make Henry County, the county I love, better than it has ever been. When next Friday comes, leaving will be like saying goodbye to family.  Because you are.

And speaking of family, there’s a shining light in all of this.  Karen and I look forward to living in neutral…not having our day or week dictated by a watch or a calendar…just knowing we can pack up and travel to visit those eleven grandchildren.  And stay as long as they will have us. 

Which brings me to the one those grands call ‘KK’ – the one they love so much…the one who has loved me, supported me, lifted me up when I was down and rattled my cage when I needed it.  The one that has kept it all in perspective and our family Christ centered.  The one that God placed in my path on a blind date way back in 1971. The one who means everything to me…and always will.  Leave the light on, Karen…I’m coming home.


30 Day Review:

·         Probate cases in December: three wills probated, three administrations, two miscellaneous hearings, three final settlements, three guardianships, two involuntary commitment hearings, three name changes, two marriage certificates recorded.

·         If the first initial of your last name is ‘A’ or ‘D’, please remember to renew your tags in January.

·         Dec. 13 – Henry County Time Capsule ceremony on courthouse lawn

·         Dec. 13 – Official dedication of Shelby Field at Abbeville Municipal Airport

·         Dec. 15 – Probate Judge Retirement Program/Reception at Abbeville Methodist Church

·         Dec. 16 – Abbeville Christmas parade

·         Dec. 17 – Great Southern Wood employee Christmas luncheon

·         Dec. 17 – SEARP&DC executive committee and board meetings – Dothan

·         Dec. 18 – Henry County staff cybersecurity meeting

·         Dec. 19 – December commission meetings

·         Dec. 19 – Graveside service for Henry County Historian Larry Smith (he will be greatly missed)

·         Dec. 24/25 – Christmas holidays

·         Jan. 1 – New Years Day holiday

·         Jan. 7 – Retirement reception for Judge Derek Peterson, Shirlene Vickers and Terry Thompson

·         Jan. 8 – Elected officials’ luncheon – Troy

·         Jan. 9 – Abbeville chamber luncheon

Dates to Remember:

·         Jan. 11 – Martin Luther King birthday celebration – Outlet Ministries/Industrial Park Rd. – 3:00

·         Jan. 14 – Dothan Chamber ‘Eggs and Issues’ breakfast – Wiregrass Rehab in Dothan

·         Jan. 14 – Jail preconstruction conference – 10:00 – 2:00

·         Jan. 14 – STEM Ecosystem meeting – ATTA

·         Jan. 16 – January Administrative meeting – 9:00 AM – Herndon Building

·         Jan. 16 – January Commission meeting – 11:00 – Annex Building (“Passing of the Gavel”)

·         Jan. 17 – Final day as Henry County Probate Judge – 4:30

·         Jan. 20 – M. L. King/R. E. Lee birthday holiday

·         Jan. 20 – Congratulations to Ray Marler (Henry County Probate Judge) and Spence Danzey (Henry County District Judge) on their first official day in office.

·         Jan. 21 – ‘Leadership Henry’

·         Jan. 27/30 – APJA orientation for all new Alabama probate judges


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Henry County Courthouse

101 Court Square
Abbeville, Alabama 36310
Hours: Mon- Fri. 8:00 AM-5:00 PM

Herndon Building

102 N. Court Square
Abbeville, Alabama 36310
Hours: Mon-Fri. 8:00 AM-4:30 PM

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