Henry County Solid Waste Department
EFFECTIVE May 1, 2023
Christmas Week
*** Wednesday's route will be picked up on Thursday.
Holiday Schedule: Trash Trucks do not have a set holiday schedule. They do not get the same holidays as the courthouse. You can go to our FACEBOOK page for updates or you may call the office. IF EVER IN DOUBT, PUT YOUR CAN OUT.
Trash Pick-Up Rules
Have your cart in the location designated by the County no later than 6 a.m.
The County will place a pin flag at the proper location
Place the wheels and handles facing the residence
Make sure the lid is fully closed and garbage is loosely placed, not compacted.
Bag all garbage to avoid windblown litter (double bag animal wastes)
Cart must be removed from the right of way by 7 p.m. on the following day after garbage pickup
All garbage must be placed in a cart
Additional bags or unauthorized containers will not be picked up by Henry County Solid Waste
The total weight of all contents shall NOT exceed 250 pounds
If you move, contact Henry County Solid Waste to retrieve the cart. The cart will be assigned to your current address. Under no circumstances is the resident allowed to move the cart to a new address.
Do not place the cart within 4ft of any stationary objects such as power poles, mailboxes, parked vehicles, trees, fire hydrants, etc.
Do not place hot ashes, liquids, paint, tires, animal carcasses, hazardous wastes, acids, or tractor & automation parts in the cart.
Do not place carts where there is no overhead clearance. Examples include overhanging trees or overhead powerlines.
Do not abuse or misuse the cart. Doing so will result in a $75 replacement can.
If your cart needs repair, gets lost, or is stolen contact the Henry County Solid Waste Office at (334) 585-5714. Individuals caught stealing carts will be prosecuted.
******Failure to comply with Henry County Solid Waste Rules and Guidelines may result in your garbage not being picked up!
Additional carts can be received for an additional fee.
DEFINITION OF GARBAGE: Garbage is defined as all debris accumulated within the household that is in need of disposal. Garbage does not include household furnishings, carpets, remodeling debris, appliances, batteries, tires, and propane tanks.
DEFINITION OF TRASH: Trash is defined as large cardboard boxes, toys, household furnishings, carpet, remodeling debris, and appliances
DEFINITION OF LIMB/YARD DEBRIS: Limb/yard debris is defined as any of the following: tree limbs, shrubbery, grass trimmings, leaves, and pine straw.
Please note that the County will not pick up batteries, tires, or propane tanks and disposal of these items is the responsibility of the resident.
All Garbage shall be bagged in heavy-duty plastic bags and placed loosely in assigned Henry County Garbage Carts. The Henry County Solid Waste Department will not be responsible for the spillage of Garbage due to stray animals or carts being improperly placed on the county right-of-way. Additional bags outside the cart or unauthorized containers will not be picked up the Henry County Solid Waste.
Carts shall contain Garbage only.
Needles of any kind must be placed into a bottle or other plastic container before being placed in the cart.
No hot ashes, liquids, paints, tires, animal carcasses, household hazardous waste, or automobile parts.
Animal waste must be double-bagged.
Garbage must be bagged to avoid wind-blown litter.
All Garbage must be placed loosely in the cart and not compacted.
The lid must be closed and nothing on top of the cart.
The total weight of all contents shall not exceed 250 pounds.
The Alabama Law (Ala. Code 22-27-1, et seq.) which establishes mandatory participation in and subscription to the system of services by Henry County provides that every person, household, business, industry, or property owner is liable for the monthly fee for the solid waste or garbage collection services made available to such person, household, business, industry or property owner for the property generating solid waste or garbage.
Monthly Fee
Henry County Solid Waste will not charge a deposit but will require advance payments for 4 months of service, non-refundable, upon new enrollment. Thereafter, we will bill monthly at $17.00*. There will be a $5.00* per month late fee for any account past due at the close of business on the last day of the month.
Any resident whose solid waste fee is delinquent by 90 days will receive a notice that the cart will be picked up if payment is not received within 30 days. If payment becomes 90 days or more past due or the dollar amount is equal, the garbage cart will be retrieved. If a garbage cart is retrieved for nonpayment, a pickup and re-delivery service charge of $50.00 will be assessed and added to the outstanding balance due by the resident. After the cart has been retrieved resident must pay all outstanding balances plus the $50.00 fee before the cart is reissued. In addition, residents who fail to pay their garbage bills may be subject to civil and criminal action.
Replacement Cost of Carts
It is the responsibility of the resident to remove the cart from the right of way and protect the cart from abuse or misuse. In the event of damage due to negligence (ie, throwing hot ashes in the cart or not removing the cart from the right-of-way in a timely manner) resident will be charged a $75.00 replacement fee for any cart that has to be replaced.
If the cart becomes damaged from normal use, repairs will be made by Henry County or a replacement cart will be issued. If the cart is stolen from the resident’s property the resident must contact Henry County Sheriff’s Department and Henry County Solid Waste Department.
Additional Carts
Henry County Solid Waste supplies the first cart at no cost. However, residents may request one (1) additional cart. There will be a $10.00 monthly charge in addition to the $17.00. ALL CARTS ARE PROPERTY OF HENRY COUNTY SOLID WASTE..
**All carts are assigned to an address, not a customer/resident. The carts must be moved to a new address by the Henry County Solid Waste Department. DO NOT take the carts if you move.** Legal action may be taken against those that remove carts from assigned addresses. The customer is to contact the solid waste department immediately if moving. Charges will continue to accrue on the account and the customer will be held responsible for carts until Solid Waste is notified.
Special Events
Active accounts that have special events such as weddings, family reunions, funerals, etc, can request additional carts for one-time use at no charge. A written request must be submitted to the Henry County Solid Waste Department at least 7 days prior to the event, except for funerals (verification may be requested). Solid waste personnel will deliver carts prior to the event and pick up carts after the next scheduled pickup day.
All carts shall be placed on Henry County right-of-ways on the scheduled pickup day by 6:00 a.m. and shall be placed within three (3) feet of the edge of the road. Carts that are beyond the reach of the garbage trucks or are placed in the wrong location will not be picked up. Once the cart is properly placed on the right-of-way, the Garbage will be collected on the next regularly scheduled pickup day. Do not place carts within 4 ft of objects, under trees, near power lines, low-hanging limbs, etc.
If the Solid Waste Officer determines that a non-county maintained road could be damaged by the solid waste trucks or could cause damage to the solid waste trucks, or may be unsafe for the solid waste trucks to travel, then an alternate pickup location will be assigned (such as the nearest county maintained right-of-way).
Household garbage carts shall be placed on the right-of-way no later than 6:00 a.m. on your regular collection day. Garbage will be picked up once per week on your assigned day. If you fail to have your garbage out on the right-of-way by 6:00 a.m. on your scheduled pickup day, that garbage will not be picked up until your next scheduled pickup day of the following week. There is no certain time for pick-up trucks to be at any residence.
Empty Carts
Solid Waste customers/residents are responsible for removing the carts from the right-of-way. Henry County is not responsible for damage to empty carts left by the roadway. Empty carts must be removed from the right-of-way by 7:00 p.m. the day after pick-up. If the cart is not removed from the county right-of-way, by the assigned time, the cart will be tagged with a warning and will be recorded by Henry County Solid Waste Personnel. If the cart is left out on the right-of-way for three days or longer, it will be considered no longer in use and may be removed by the Solid Waste Department. If a garbage cart is retrieved for being left on the right of way, a pickup and re-delivery service charge of $50.00 will be assessed and added to the outstanding balance due by the customer.
Payment Options
The fee is $17.00 per month with a $5.00 late fee added if not paid by the last business day of the month. The payment options include” EFT” which is deducted around the 20th of each month. If the 20th falls on the weekend, it would be the next business day.
Applying For Trash Service By Email
- Application must be received
- Account has to be set up in the system before a payment can be made
- Once the application is received and your account has been opened, we will call you back to get your payment
*** Account must be set up and initial payment made before you can go online and pay.
Debit/credit card payments can be made in the office, online, or over the phone. However, a convenience fee will be added to the amount you pay. The fee goes to the provider of the service, not Henry County.
Checks and cash payments are accepted. Customers may make payments in advance.
There is a $30.00 returned check fee added if a check or EFT transaction is returned.
Chad Granberry
Phone: (334) 585-5714
101 Court Square, Suite A
Abbeville, Alabama 36310
Hours: Mon- Fri. 8:00 AM-4:00 PM